The World Of Khoras - Fauna and Flora - Fauna - Hills


Other Names Growler, Orc Horse
Climate/Terrain Forest, Hills, Mountains
Frequency Uncommon
Organization Group
Activity Cycle Diurnal
Diet Omnivore

Physical Description

The huthavar "HOOTH-a-var"(the term is both singular and plural) is a broad and muscular, hooved quadruped that is used as a steed and beast of burden by the orcs. It has a shaggy coat of brown hair over most of it's body. Where unfurred, the dark grey hide is coarse and wrinkled. A huthavar has a prominent shoulder, a mane of rough wiry hair, a pair of short horns and a wedge-shaped snout. They are sometimes referred to as "growlers" due to the frequent deep throated rumble that the beasts make. Huthavar enjoy rolling on the ground and are often quite dirty. They also have a musky smell.

Despite sometimes being called an “orc horse”, huthavar look more like a cross between a horse and a shaggy oxen. They are bigger, stronger and uglier than the average horse with more brutish facial features. A typical huthavar stands 2 meters tall and weighs 800 to 1000 kilograms.

Huthavar can gallop, but they are slower and less graceful than a horse.


The huthavar is infamous for its foul temper. This belligerent and fearsome temperament is displayed for all races except for orcs, for whom the huthavar is much more calm and even tempered. Orcs are much better able to handle the huthavar and have had great success in training them. Other races, however, have found the huthavar to be hostile, unruly and difficult to train without assistance. Some non-orcs have managed to domesticate the huthavar with the help of orcish wranglers. It is also known that the huthavar can be drugged with slumberweed which acts as a powerful sedative on this beast. While drugged with slumberweed, the beast becomes calm and compliant and will work as a beast of burden or steed. However, this drug induced stupor renders the beast completely non-combative. It will not fight (not even to defend itself or its young) and cannot be trained for combat. When the slumberweed wears off, the huthavar will revert to its normal, foul-tempered nature.


When not drugged, Huthavar are extremely aggressive and will trample, gore, bite and kick opponents. Their weight and strength make them quite dangerous in close quarters. Many orcs ride huthavar as war steeds and have trained them for battle.


Huthavar are omnivores, primarily foraging for leaves, roots, fruits and flowers. However, these beasts also have iron stomachs and indiscrimate palates. They will happily feast on fish, rotten and moldy food, garbage and carrion. Orcs will occasionally dispose of dead bodies by feeding them to huthavar. Due to their dietary habits, huthavar are highly resistant to disease and poison.

Geographic Distribution and Habitat

Huthavar are native to temperate forests and hills of Ithria and wild herds can be found in remote and uncivilized regions. Orcs have put the huthavar to work as pack animals from the coastlines to the mountains and so the huthavar can be found wherever orcs are.


Huthavar are used chiefly by orcs who employ them as steeds, pack animals and so forth. Orcs also use them for meat, milk, leather and twine (made from the coarse hairs). Though the milk is foul tasting and their flesh is tough and stringy.

Great orcish warriors will ride trained huthavar into battle. Orcs generally see the huthavar as "their animal" and are proud of those who ride the great huthavar. There are some orcs who believe, quite strongly, that other races should be forbidden to use them. Orc wranglers that can be hired to help non-orcs are rare. Even more rare is the orc who would willingly train a huthavar for battle for a non-orc rider.


This website was last updated February 29, 2024. Copyright 1990-2024 David M. Roomes.

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