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Topics - Delbareth


This group is said to be an "odd collection" of bandits, thieves, scouts, etc... They are individually less powerfull than the Peil's Thunder soldiers, since they are a true army with good training and equipement. They were approximately 4000 8 centuries ago when they defeated Garrison, and it is said that nowaday this group is growing. But... they are only 4000 today (compared with the 20000 soldiers of the Thunder).
So I'm a little bit disapointed by this quite small number. I would have expected than such a group (very easy to enter, no stric law to follow...)  would gather a lot of people.
The number of follower is the same than 800 years ago. Does this group had a dark age were followers were rare? Is it more strict that what I thought? Are they much better than what I supposed? ???
Hello all!

The title says everything.
Corvenian people rely on magic for everything in their day to day life. But what happen to their magic during a Drellis phase. I guess like other magic it's deeply weakened and made chaotic. So the stars phase should have strongly influence Corvenian culture, more than any other culture. What do you think about that?

I'm reading the old journal written in your first Avisarr campaign (for those who want to find it : DM Tools>Full Campaign>Avisarr>Notes for past Avisarr campaign>Journal). It's quite funny to see you Khoras was before being the Khoras we all now today.
There are some old names that I was able to recover (Kitar was called Ratik and Miranor was Marner), the geopolitic problem are quite the same but slightly different (the bad guy is Alifax Deathchilde (as in the "To find a King" novel) and not the Black Sorcerers)... Even Caramus is not yet the ruler of Duthelm...
It's definitively an interresting story for those interested in the evolution of Khoras world ;)
When the White Council have banished Draxorith, one part of its essence was still on Khoras. That's why the banishement was not complete and he was traped between dimensions (I guess). In addition, priests of Draxorith usually obtain some power of their god (or at least they can speak to him).

So the question is : what happen for the priests when Draxorith was trapped? Did they still obtain powers (from which entity?)? Did they loose all contact with him?
Obviously the second solution would have terrific aftermaths for the conducting of Duthelm. If Draxorith priests are no longer able to obtain power of their god, all adeptes would have felt in desespair for the disapearance (perhaps killing) of their god. Ok it was not the case or it would deeply modify all the recent history of Duthelm (neither possible nor wanted I guess).
So what kind of explanation could be given for that? ??? Perhaps lesser powers can still be provided by Draxorith lieutenant, and Draxorith cult was globally weakened...? Perhaps priest knew what happened... knew that Draxorith was somewhere... but it doesn't explain from where they obtain their powers... ???
Completed / Timeline mistakes
March 19, 2009, 12:29:22 PM
Haha! The proofreader is going to flood you! ;D

Timeline :

4,500 BT    -    -    Beginning of the Kingdom of Anhara.
3,700 BT    -    -    Unification of the Darzek Tribes.

    In the Age of Dawning page, the Darzek's Tribes were found in 4500 BT (the kingdom of Anhara is not dated)" - Fixed

2,400 BT    -    -    First recording appearance of the Barakus Clans. - Fixed
   If the Barakus clan were found after the kingdom of Anhara, you should describe thier history after in the Age of Dawning page (chronological order)

345 TIC    9    8    To distance itself from politics, the Alliance relocates to the city of North Aden.  - Fixed

  I think this is not the good date, and this line in not sorted with the others in the chronological order.

2 CY    5    16    Prison of Asylum Overthrown - Major landquake devastates the southern regions of Ithrian. Prisoners in a Thullian prison take advantage of the event and overthrow their guards.
It's probably a traxxian prison (not thullian prison). And this is in conflict with :
771 CY    6    10    The city of Asylum is founded. Prison riot in the dungeon keep of Shirdan allows prisoners, led by the rebel Symok, to overpower guards and obtain control of the entire prison complex. The town of Shirden is taken over the next day. The town is renamed "Asylum". All laws are declared void and the gates to the city are burned. Asylum formerly declares itself an independent city and Symok crowns himself king.

  Their are two different date for a similar event. If there is only one (and the other is a mistake),the second one is much more credible. Because we cannot see why the Traxx Legion would have left this town free for so long. - Fixed

89 CY    5    16    Thullian Capital Falls - Last Alliance mage lord, Mandacas, is captured and executed by Traxxian forces at the Siege of Bekai, the capital city of the Thullian Empire. Bekai falls and the empire begins to crumble.
If the Empire "begins to crumble", there shouldn't be 250 years of war after that. Or it do not begin to crumble.  - Fixed. The city of Bekai did fall on this day, but it's premature to say that the Empire began to crumble on this day. It's been reworded.

309 CY    10    17    Adaptors Are Created - The Thullian Empire creates a group of magically enhanced warriors called adaptors which are used for a variety of war-related functions.

327 CY    10    27    Adaptors Enter Baen - A group of adaptors are sent into the wastelands of the Baen Valley  to search the ruins there and retrieve whatever Alliance artifacts they can find. The adaptors are the only beings able to endure the conditions there. This group are called the Baenites because of their mission.

Weren't they created just to explore the Baen Desert? Why did they wait 18 years before sending them there? And if not, what type a functions had they? It is said "warriors able to adapt to any environment or condition." in Great War page, but what environnement or condition needed such magical warrior if not the Baen desert?

The adaptors were not created just for the Baen Desert. They were used in many missions before they were sent into the Baen Desert. They were used in a variety of environments - arctic, swamp, mountain, subterranean, desert, deep forest, highly irradiated magical zones, alternate planes, essence storms and so forth.

621 CY    3    9    Talis is discovered. The Traxx Legion first encounters the phellysians of the west and they are recognized as an independent nation.

According to the history of phellysian, they were already there in the age of Dream. I cannot believe that they had to "wait" more than 600 years to be seen by the Traxx Legion (a very powerfull neightboor). 621 CY is also mentioned as the founding date in the Talis page. Even if they were discovered at this time, they existed long before...  - Fixed

765 CY    2    24    Myria discovered. Primitives are discovered by a Traxx Legion sea faring captain living in the southwest and the area is named Myria.

Same thing that for Talis. Myrien existed long before and formed their own nation. Not discovered for 500-1000 years? And the Myria page mentioned also the date 765 CY as their founding year...

I've altered this one so that the specific date makes sense. And this new data is on the timeline now. Here it is... Captain Kassen, a Traxxian sea faring captain, having spent years living amongst the Myrians, returns to the Traxx Legion with tales and artifacts of Myria. Although there had been several previous encounters with the myrians, Kassen's tales ignite interest in Myria. Beginning this year, Myria is included on Traxxian maps.

1454 CY    6    6    Thurin Generates Support - With the political clout of having recaptured the Citadel from the forces of darkness, Alfred Thurin is able to generate support in the court of Rukemia.
1456 CY    7    19    Rukemian Empire Founded - An ambitious baron, popular with the commoners, overthrows the corrupt king of Rukemia and publicly executes him. The baron, Alfred Thurin, declares himself Emperor and renames the Kingdom of Rukemia as the Rukemian Empire.

The second line was written long before the first one and seems now "strange". The ambitious baron is obviously Alfred Thurin...   - Fixed

2705 CY    6    7    Second Demon War Begins - ...
2709    1    5    Siege of Myranor - ...
2711 CY    8    9    Second Demon War Ends - ...

Waaaaaaaaaaoooo! You have changed some dates and the war is declared earlier than before! Gosh!
Too bad, I cannot change all the dates of my campaigns and I have to differ significantly from the website (I don't like that)

Completed / A Big One!
March 19, 2009, 12:18:19 PM
Various sections

In flora section :
   - Each page has some "next/previous chapter" buttons, but these buttons are useless. It goes to the previous/next element in alphabetical order, and we (at least I) never ever use it. The problem is the same in some other section like merchendise  [I agree. Those "chapter" buttons are a legacy item from the earliest days of Khoras. Those will be deleted soon from the Fauna and Merchandise section. They are no longer needed as a navigational tool.]
   - Sand God : sentence repetition in the "physical properties" section  [Fixed! :)]

In fauna section :
   - Shimmer cat : "It has the body mass and shape of a large cat" BUT "and weighs about 200 pounds". It's a very large cat :D  [This has been adjusted to 45 kilos which is more in line with what I had in mind.]
   - Carion crow : If I'm right "carion crow" is a real name of an already existing animal. But here it describe something a little bit different... [ yep, looks like you're right. Coincidence.]
   - Mist horror : the speed of this creature is not specified... is it fast or slow?  [Slow. Will add that to the description].
   - Whip spider : You do not precise the size of this creature. I see that with a 30cm leg-span. Is it right? [Yep, about a half meter].

In lesser race page :
   - Scrub rats : 2' tall in short description (resuming all lesser races) VS 3' tall in scrub rats page. [Fixed]

In Mineralogy section :
   - Orichalcum said to be 1000 gp/kilogram, but 1000 gp/pound in the magical shielding page (and all other minerals are expressed in gp/pound) [Fixed]
   - Cristals, Metals and Minerals : a lot of prices are given in gp/pound (instead of gp/kg) [Fixed]
   - Webbed Obsidian : link to Northern Tusk lead to Mountain page, not Northern Tusk page [Fixed]

In Arcane Item section :
   - Iron Viper Arrow : said to be created by a Kytohan mage during the 3rd century... the 3rd century of what? I suppose it the Thullian callendar since the Kytohan Empire decayed quickly after the Sundering  [Fixed]
   - Necronid : the various names of this object are inverted : Bone Horror for the standard name, Necronid for the other names [Fixed]

Merchandise / Transportation page
    - Durogar is said to be a ship but is placed in the "land based transportation table" [Fixed]
    - "Rukemian Drakkar"? Rukemian Empire builds drakkars??? :o [Not really a mistake... :) - but I've addressed this...]

Physical World/Planet page :
    - "ocean cover two third�s of the planet" According to the maps it's more probably 3/4 or 4/5, and The Great Western Ocean and The Vast are certainly bigger than represented in these map (otherwise west Ithria and east Aggradar would be close to each other) [Fixed]


Irenni League :
   - in the first table, in allies and enemies box, the Thullian Empire and Traxx Legion are not linked (but they could be!)  [Fixed]
   - in History section : the word "Ithria" is used instead of "Irenni League" in the sentence "Ithria reach its peak in the fourth century"  [Fixed]
   - in the timeline it is said that they have created the adaptor, but it's the thullian empire which did that (said in the timeline page))  [Fixed]

Thullian Empire :
   - same thing in the allies and enemies box : you can put link to Irenni League and Traxx Legion [Fixed]

Traxx Legion :
   - same thing [Fixed]

all old empire :
   - You can indicate the year they have collapsed (and not only the year of their founding)  [This has been added.]


Age of Sorrow :
   - You should invert paragraph dealing with Arkalia foundation and the one dealing with the end of the Irenni League [I agree. Minor adjustment made.]

Age of Chaos :
   - "In the Traxx Legion, while most military forces were occupied elsewhere, a prisoner revolt in a large prison led to the overthrow of a small city. In the north, thousands of refugees were left homeless after the formation of the Captured Sea."
What is this city? [Yes, that city was what would become Asylum.]In the timeline it is said to be Asylum... Was it recovered by Traxxian forces after that? If not, WHY??? [The Traxx Legion was being torn apart by civil war and the prison was turned into a fortified base.]


Order of the Drake :
   - "His king ordered him to destroy the hatchling, but Andarius refused believing this event was divinely inspired. He was banished from the kingdom." It's not a king/kingdom, but an emperor/empire... [Fixed]
   - I think there is conflict between the section "Order of the Drake" and the "Aerial Guard" of The Citadel. The later seems weak and not used in combat, since the first ones are very very powerfull. What are the differences? The knights are knights, ok... well trained and armed, ok... Why Duthelm don't use its firedrake for the same purpose (i.e powerfull team)? [Well, probably several reasons for this. The Citadel Aerial Guard is just a division of palace guards really as opposed to the Order who are all knights. The Aerial Guard receive less training and access to fewer funds, whereas the Order are hand picked from among the best of the best and have vast economic funds. The Aerial Guard has a very limited area of authority... just guarding the Citadel from aerial attack and a few other minor directives. Whereas the Order has a broad mission statement encompassing entire kingdoms. Finally, and most importantly, Queen Sillar probably limits the Aerial Guard intentionally so as to keep them under her tight control. She wouldn't want them to become too powerful as they might pose a threat or could be used as a valuable pawn in a military coup. The Order of the Drake is an independent organization and has no such constraints.]

Organization/unnamed :
   - It's a page which can be found via the "Search page" with words "Better too much passion". It's an old page with a lot of contradictions (Saridian or Vaullian are said to be in Ithell or Arkalia), but it seems to be a cool organization to update. [Not sure about this one. The SEARCH function of Khoras is temporarily off line and probably will be for another month or so. I did use Google to search for the word "passion" within just the Khoras website, but I did not see any pages that matched your description. I don't recall any old pages that fit that description. But I'll keep an eye out for it.]


Kael :
    - In "Holy Days" section, you say that you have 2 full moons every 3 years, and 3 full moons every 11 years. First it's not possible since 3 is not a multiple of 11. Moreover it should be more frequent to have "1 full moon" than "2 full moon" and far more frequent than "3 full moon". But the corresponding periods given are few days / 3 years / 11 years. In fact the intermediate value should be closer to few days than to 11 years (I don't know, perhaps 3 months...). Or the "3 full moons" can also happen only each 150 years... Anyway, I just wanted to say that there is some strangeness in the full moons periods. [Fixed. I've modified both the Kael page and the Astronomy page. If my math is correct, the orbital alignment patterns make sense now. Read the Astronomy page for a full list of lunar orbital alignments.]

Language :
   - the elven tongue is missing in the post-Irreni box in the language graph  [I don't think this is a mistake. Although it is influenced by Irenni, Elvish is descended from Pruelon which is descended from Darzeku. So, although Elvish has characteristics of both branches, it is primarily a Darzeku family language.]

Site map :
   - link "the Coalition" dead  [Fixed.]

in the glossary : A
    - Aberration : second item which say that it's "The informal name for a group or "conclave" consisting of seven Chaos Sorcerers." But the link "Aberration" goes to the other type of aberration i.e influence of Drellis radiations on plants and animals. [Fixed.]
Completed / About the length of the Great War
March 12, 2009, 02:27:39 AM
There are some thing which seems strange to me. And at least, as you won't change them, perhaps you can add some details... It's all based on timescale of the Great War. A war raged between 4 CY and 89 CY between Traxx Legion/Irenni League and Thullian Empire. Then the captital city felt. And then the Great War raged between 89 CY and 340 CY until the Empire surrender.
My problem is that I find that too long. In Europe, the war between France and England raged for more than one hundred years. But in fact it was a seccession of few years conflits with short periods of peace between them. The goal of England and France was not to destroy/conquier all the enemy's nation, just to conquier/recover a part of territory. And during Napoleon's campaigns, the french armies have conquiered all europe and have reached Moscow in only few years. What I want to say is that a full war cannot last that long without interruption.
BUT, it is still possible to detail some interractions between the wounded Empire and the Traxx Legion. Some periods of relative calm, where each side prepare its new weapons and swear to keep the peace. There could be some "cease fire" treaty which were not respected by one side or the other. There should be some period of time where the war slowly decreased because of internal conflict in the Traxx Legion or Irenni League. There could be some period with a turn of the tide of the war. Ok that's just few solutions... I just wanted to say that it should be better to explain WHY the war was so long.

In the same way, it's hard to understand how it is possible that the Empire can still fought for more 250 years while Traxx troops were able to reach their capital city. Was it only a guerilla (like in Afganistan/Irak nowaday)? Was the capital city recovered by Empire? Was this traxxian assault too hurry and unable to withstand Empire revenge? In my opinion something is missing here, and you should add some explainations on that.

And eventually, the Great War age begins in 89 CY and you say that it is called "Great War" because every nation was at war at this time. I think it could help if you describe some other conflict, like "The Nation X was involved in a war with Irenni League and was destroyed/conquiered in xxx CY"

In fact, as I'm writing these lines, I think you could do a whole page specifically on the Great War (more detailled than the in the history section). :D
One of my party is going to an nearly-undiscovered-ruin of an old thullian tower (undiscovered because nothing remains at the ground level, but very low levels are still there). And the questions is : what can be found after about 3000 years? It's not really a khorasian question, more an archeological question.

My idea is that is should depend on the humidity level through the ages. But if this humidity level is not very low, I think all things based on wood are completely reduced to dust for a long time (no chest, no table, no chair, no shelf...). All things based on iron should be heavily eroded by rust. No iron item should be useful. I think bones should also be reduced to dust. I know that gold do not rust and should be probably still good. But what about other materials like paper (books)? I fear that such type of ruins is desperately empty. ???
If I gather archeology memories, they always find some interesting stuff IN the ground or in sealed devices. Perhaps some valuable things could be hidden for 3000 years under some decimeters of ground (where the ceiling or a wall partially collapse and recover a part of a room).

I placed a golem build by an alliance mage Lord and guessed that something build by such a man can withstand 3000 years with only medium-damage (better alloy for some part of the golem, only few parts completely rusted, magic level low but enough to move the gollem...). For the moment I did'nt put anything else because there is a crack in the lowest level having enable skrells to come and to loot anything for several centuries. But above the gollem (where skrells never goe), there should probably be something interresting... I don't want to use a lot of "magic item" kept intact just "by magic" and I really would like to know what they can found there. :'(
Completed / A new list to begin this new year
January 07, 2009, 04:30:31 AM
Here is the list of errors I had kept while you were beginning your new campaign ;D

Sybrenars race page :
- 1 in 1000 can study magic but only 1 school in the whole imperium " There is only one school of magic in the Imperium and that is the Imperial Academy of Arcane Sciences." (graduating a dozen new mage each year...). There are a lot of potential wizard but very very few can really study magic???  [Fixed.]
-  Technology section : "dark age" => but "middleage" in the Sybren Imperium page  [I don't understand the problem here. "Dark Ages" technology is more primitive than "Middle Ages" technology. The Sybren Imperium has "Middle Ages" technology].

Sybren Imperium :
    link demography => wrong destination  [Fixed.]

Ulkran page :
- History section : Durgen's Trek is said to be overground VS underground in History timeline page  [Fixed.]
- History section : what about the second groups said to be less known and gone by the underground route? [The second group was never seen again. This is one of those open-ended mysteries in Khoras, of which there are many. This is something that is left intentionally unanswered. Game masters can use it in their gaming. I may also write something up that explains the fate of the other group at some point. But for now, it's open for any game master to answer].

Kalimura page : very low proportion of arable land (25%) but this is a very flat land with a lot of grass field ???   [Fixed.]

Tyrrenkor page :
in the Festival list, there is no mention about the Blood Feasting found in the Festival page, and there are no mention about the Reaping festival (found in the Festival list of Tyrrenkor page) in the Festival page [Fixed.]

"People of Note - Coalition" page :
- the link "The Coalition" (at the very beginning of this page) is dead (in fact this link is dead in numerous other pages, for instance Rukemia and Mercia page) [Fixed. There was a problem with the HTML code. I think I got them all. ]
- idem for the link for Berosh, Peil and Tyrrenkor  [Fixed.]
- Caeqor : race said to be unknown in the Caeqor description, but it is written lich in all table of "people of note" section. Is it a way to hide some secret information in the website? ["Lich" is just what some people suspect... in actuality, his race is unknown as no one ever sees his face. This is open ended for Game Masters.]

Organization :
- The Chosen
         300 servants in the table (at the top of the page) and 100 in the text below (in the Membership section)  [Fixed.]
- The Council of Arcane Law
         not the same name between the organization list "arcane council" and the description page  [Fixed.]
         repetition of one sentence in the "allies and enemies" section  [Fixed.]
- The League of Stone and Steel :
         unfinished sentence at the end of the "goal and motivation" section  [Fixed.]
         no "steel" in the Middle-Age technology, so the name is a little bit strange, no?  [Actually, some cultures did have steel in the Middle Ages. However, you bring up a very good point. Therefore, I have added some notes to the League of Stone and Steel that explains their name and adds some more interest to the group and the region.]

Magic items :  [Both of these are going to be fixed in an upcoming overhaul of the Arcane Item section. So, I'm going to mark this one off since all arcane errors will soon be fixed].
- there is a category "artifact" but some object with an "artifact" power can be found out of this category (the mindmelding stone, the Tulyken's ring)
- Stasis Sphere : it is not explained how you choose which object you free from the sphere? just by a thought?

Trivia : dead links (no section behind) [These aren't on the Trivia page, but they would be a good read. I'll add them to the Spotlight after the Arcane Section].
- the worst way to die
- the 5 most influencial people in history
- the 5 most important moment in history
(and these sections should be VERY interresting to read)
Yop yop again!

Still preparing my game in the Iron States, I've noticed that there is no information on the maps about the position of the different Citadels. I've planed to set my game in the south of Iron States because it deals with a Trossoli infiltration. I could choose some Citadels in the list by myself but I wonder if you have somewhere in your notes which Citadels are in the south (as usual, I prefer to use Khoras material).
Yop yop!

I'm going to play a one shot adventure the whole week-end. They will live in the Iron States and two of them are Sybrenars (mage and warrior-mage). It is said that Sybrenar society is very stratified, with a rank structure : "All behavior within Sybrenar society is tempered by rank."
Could you give me some example of these rank? Because I guess there are a lot of different rank but I don't see exactly which ones...
General Discussion and Questions / Life cristal
August 30, 2008, 02:22:55 AM
How can a life cristal be used if its purpose is to detect life and we are alive.
The wearer of the cristal should certainly be the main part of the cristal simulation (except if large groups are approaching of course...). But small variations in the cristal would be very difficult to notice. Should we have to "protect" the cristal from our own emanation (with lead?).  ???
General Discussion and Questions / Flesh fungus
August 09, 2008, 11:07:21 PM
Hello all!

I haven't been very active for few months, only lurking behind my computer. But now I'm back with a new question to David :
The flesh fungus seem to be something very dangerous once you are infected, but you don't explain why it is not sufficient to simply remove mechanically the creature. If I'm infected, I "just" have to take a tool and to scratch the creature piece by piece. Is it because it always remains a small part which will develop and form a new fungus on my body? Is it horribly painful to do that? Is it because the endorphine stimulation is so strong you do not think to remove that immediately?
General Discussion and Questions / Random webpage
December 12, 2007, 05:54:10 AM
I think one thing could be cool : to have a button which select randomly one page over the billions of the khoras website. ;)
Because sometimes, I have nothing to read in particular, so I read some pages here and there... But I often have the same lectures (my favorites pages/topic and pages closely linked to them) and there are probably a lot of very interesting pages that I will never read this way.
That's why a random button could be useful for those who want to read something without knowing what to read. Am I clear?  :)
Hello again!

As I said on the post in the Khoras World section, I have developped specific rules to take into account the impact of Drellis or Karrym. I don't play in D&D but perhaps it could help to develop similar things (or other things) in the D&D rule system.

First of all, I have 4 types of "paranormal" fields :

Magic :
It deals with the use of specific spells, like in a lot of game. There is few hundreds spells with very precisely described effects, duration, range, area of effect, etc... This was the original system of my set of rules. It is quite rigid but well described.

Sorcery :
I wanted to have an field of "magic" which was more flexible than the standard magic with already written spells. That's why I developped a new system based on arcana : Time, Space, Power, Controle, and the arcana presented on Khoras site (Mentalism, Corporealism, Metamagic, Etherealism...). The sorcerer decide to put a level in each arcana and a quite complexe formula/table gives the time to prepare the spell.

Faith :
It is a way to obtain "miracles" from deities. There is some of them written in order to help the followers for what to ask, but it's an open system. It's completely free since deities can do what they want. It could appear to be very powerful but of course deities do not accept any demand. Deities have also their own field of interest, and one can not ask a miracle to cure to a deity of murderer. Eventually, the faith and the actions of the follower is put into the balance to accept or refuse the miracle.

Spiritism :
It's the way to call spirit and to "convince" them to carry out some tasks. All this system is based strongly on a Willpower contest between the spirit and the shaman. If the shaman succed to control the spirit, he can tell him to do one thing or another (depending of the spirit characteristics). Of course, a powerful spirit can accomplish great things, but it's more difficult and also very dangerous to attempt. This system is quite simple, few things are written about what spirits can do and possibilities are large. Nevertheless, it's the more dangerous of the four type of non natural field.

The Drellis/Karrym rule system :
So now, I have developped a system to introduce a negative perturbation during Drellis phase, and a positive perturbation during Karrym phase (both unpredictible). This system is divided in four parts (one for each domain), and each part is divided into a positive part and a negative part. However, all these part are based on the same system :

I use two D20 to determine the type of perturbation and their magnitude. So I a have a table with several column for the type of effect and 20 rows for the magnitude. Moreover, about 40% of the case are throw-again-case, to obtain an additionnal (and often different) effect. It enables to have at least 1 effect (less than 100% because of some "zero-case"), at least 2 effects (40%), at least 3 effects (40%*40%), etc... So, one knows neither the type of effect, nor their number, nor their magnitude.

Of course the tables are very different depending on the positive/negative effect and on the field concerned.

Magic :
As the system is rigif and well defined, it was easy to obtain these table : increase/decrease of the duration, of the range, of the area, damage to the caster, uncontrolable effect, less/more powerfull spell, etc...

Sorcery :
Even if the system is completely different from magic, a bonus/malus in an arcane leads to an increase or decrease of the duration, range, area of effect, control like in the magic system.

Faith :
For that it was more difficult, since deities are intelligent being and have a more powerful control on their spells. Nevertheless, Drellis effect can reduce chance to obtain a miracle (the deity do not want to appear weak if the miracle isn't well controlled), have side effect and so on... Karrym phase can induce positives side effects, gift of a power to the follower (the ability the cast the miracle himself for a period of time), or simply improved effect. But it can also reduce chance to obtain the miracle for the same reason as before.

Spiritism :
I guessed that spirit were more powerfull in Karrym phase and less powerfull during Drellis phase in the real world. During the first one, they are excited and are easier to attract in the real world, but are less controlable and it can lead to problems for the shaman. During the Drellis phase, spirit do not want to enter the real world because they would be weaker, and are then more difficult to call. Moreover they can substitute a weaker spirit just before being attracted, or they can simply bite back the shaman for calling them.

I would like to insist on the fact that the effects are completely unpredictible, but not always bad or good. For example, if someone casts a spell in order to use it immediately, it's not a problem if the duration is divided by 10. Or if a magician cast a spell for someone close to him, a reduction of the range is not problematic. Sometimes, it could kill the spell or make it unuseful (speaking all languages for 1 second for example). Other time it can lead to a quite fantastic improvement, for example if a flight spell is lengthened 100 times, or if the ability to detect lie become a personnal power.

Ok I don't know if I was clear, and I don't know how it could be applied to D&D system. Especially, it fits with a system with few spells or miracles, but I think it's a little bit heavy if 10 spells are cast for each fight. Perhaps some of you (hey lurkers, you are concerned! ;) ) will be hum... how to say... full of inspiration!  :)

In the Mariners Superstitions, you present some example of how Drellis/Karrym could shape the customs of Khoras inhabitants. I was wondering if you think they DO have an effect (by an obscur and very weak interraction between tetrion and brain, or nervous system...). After all, if brains can shape nadion field, it's not absurd that tetrion (which destroy the nadion field) has some influence on brains.

As I like the Drellis effect, it has a strong influence in "my" world (at least my version of Khoras). I have already described the interaction between the Drellis/Karrym effect on the four "paranormal" fields of my rules (magic, sorcery, faith and spiritism ; I'm going to detail this in another section). But I would like to introduce an effect of the stellar phase on the global behaviour. For example, people are more confortable with strangers during Karrym phase. They are more optimistic, and see life more beautiful... And it would be the contrary on Drellis phase.

The problem is : if people are more comfortable in Karrym phase, does-it apply to everybody and specially robbers, murderers, smugglers and so on? Because it is obviously contradictory.  ??? I don't want to put a ethic distinction (Drellis effect improves bad people, and Karrym good people) because the Drellis effect is physic and has nothing to do with ethic.

That's why I was wondering if anybody has already thought about this topic.
General Discussion and Questions / Duthelm 10 years ago
November 09, 2007, 02:14:29 AM

My players play in the east of Ithria before the Second Demon War, and one of them was asking me question about the duthelm governement (In fact, his last character played in 2720, so Duthelm was a monarchy and Sillar was the queen. And he was surprised to discover that I put them several years in the past for the new "campagn").

On the website we can find several things :
- Duthelm used to be ruled by several groups, with a difficult balance of power
- Duthem is a monarchy for a very short time (from the 2715's point of view)
- the rulers follow a hereditary rule, but Sillar is the first one to access the throne this way
- Caramus "held Duthelm together" after the Second Demon war

From all these points, we could guess that Caramus was a king and he left the throne just after the war to let Sillar instead. But I'm not confortable with this theory (well, it's a theory for me ;)). It has always seemed to me that Caramus was not a king. Moreover, the ruler who led Duthelm in such a failure (xorian independance, internal conflict, loose of the war...) would be greatly disaprouved and not considered anymore. And it's not the case of Caramus, you surely agree :D

So here is another theory (with a lot of add-on from my own):
Duthelm was still ruled by several groups (Draxorith priests, Black Sorcerers, Red Eyes Corps, other unnamed military groups/guilds...). Black Sorcerers managed to call xorians and the war was begun. But not every groups were satisfied of these new allies. Within a year it's the disorder among Duthelm rulers, with tension between them and also with xorians. Then, Xorians decided to stop the war and to relocate in the north.
The war was a failure, and all groups which did not agree with the xorian incoming accusated the others to led Duthelm to the ruin. And so on... Then, Caramus, a high priest of Draxorith, prevent them from destroying each other and united them at the last minut against a strong assault from Kitar/Rukemia. He then appeared to be of great importance. He managed to establish a monarchy but gave the throne to his daughter Sillar because he did'nt want of such a position. He prefer to gather priests of Draxorith and Black Sorcerers (to oversee what they do), in order to control all "dark forces" of Duthelm.

What do you think of this. Is it far from what you though?
I have noticed that on the browser a lot of website have an special icone close to their name (in the toolbar for example). For those who have not, there is a small white page. I thought it could be cool to have a small "khoras icon" too. It would be a very small thing to improve the site.
Hello all!

   For my lasts RPG sessions, I needed to work a little bit on maps, accurate time travel and stuff like that. So I watched maps carefully, did comparisons, calculations, trace roads. Eventually, I think about some things to be added to the site :

- a map which would be the combinaison between the general map (perhaps without names) and the border map : because I wanted to know where was a border and it was quite difficult to locate it exactly.

- a map with main roads between cities and towns, and more important the distances between them (like on a road map) :
In fact I only needed distances, but sometime it's important to know where the road goes or if there are major deviations... That's why I decided to trace the main road and to calculate the distance thanks to the distance chart of the web site (be carefull, various combinaisons of cities do not lead exactly to the same scale! -> average value). After that I applied a multiplication factor in order to take into account the terrain type (from 1.05-1.1 in plain til 2-3 in mountains). Then I wrote these distances on the map close to the road, and the result looks quite good. I would like to show you but... hum... I don't know how to do. :-\

Anyway... I'm not as strong as David to make nice maps with complicated tools ;). I didn't use layers and so now I can't change anything, and it's not a very pleasant solution. So I strongly suggest that it should be the next monthly spotlight. In other words, please David, if you can do that it would be great! :D
I have just finished to read the Jaidor Talisman Campaign, and I have some question about the Desolation.
First of all, I don't want to make some revelaaaaaaaaaations about the Desolation :-X. So I recommend to read the campaign notes previously. For the others, my question deals with the link between the beginning of the aberrations in the Desolation and the Jaidor Talisman. It seems to me that it would be an unprobable coincidence that Morphian put their Talisman in what will become one of the most dangerous area of the world, if this two events are not related. It's not clearly explain in the campaign notes (or perhaps I missed something), and I would like to know more about this. It is obvious that the "morphian/flesh god" creates some monsters, but these monsters are different than the surface monsters (they are morphian-like). So, what is the beginning of the problems, when Shidarian miners began to open the sealed Morgoth's chambers?

It seems to me that you write on the site all that is known to some people, and not what is the reality. Maybe you don't want to put this on the site because nobody knows the real reason of the Desolation aberrations. Am I completely wrong? ???