Government Types

Started by MysticWind, February 10, 2006, 11:53:53 PM

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I noticed that some of the gov't types seem to be unused for nations- republic, meritocracy, ochlocracy.  Will you ever use these in the future?

Aren't some of the nations you've categorized as democracies actually republics?


I'll review the governments. Which nations do you think should be republic?


Hm, not many yet, I think.  Not even the Aukarian Republic.  According to the governments guide:

QuoteRepublic: Rule by one individual whose power is kept in check by a small group elected by the people. These representatives have power to penalize the leader, and in pure republics both share power equally.

This sounds like a modern parliamentary republic, somewhat.  Basically something like the U.K.'s gov't, where the PM is very much subject to Parliament's will.  I guess it could work in Khoras if there was a monarch in power who is subject to the will of an elected body, or in darker times, a group of power-hungry advisors.  Maybe if you plan on modifying any of your Democracy nations in the future?

Meritocracy sounds like the gov't of Imperial China.


Some of the nations have shades of grey in the government. The text description sometimes sheds more light on the inner workings of the government when the label doesn't seem to fit quite right.

In any case, I'll review the governments and see if maybe one or two of them need to be adjusted.