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Messages - David Roomes

Merry Christmas to you as well!
Announcements and News / Re: The Pirate Song
November 26, 2023, 09:53:12 PM
Thanks!  Hope you like it.
Announcements and News / The Pirate Song
November 01, 2023, 08:55:09 PM
I probably should have mentioned this before Halloween (since it's origin is tied to Halloween), but anyway, after SEVERAL years, I have finally finished the Pirate Song! Go check it out in the Tales section.

I'm actually pretty proud of how it turned out. And I'm really glad simply to have finished it. It sat on the Khoras website, half finished, for YEARS. Man, it feels good to have it done.

That's all.
Announcements and News / Re: When it rains it pours
November 01, 2023, 08:51:29 PM
Wally (or Cruzan or sid6.7) or whatever I should call you  :)

Are you ok? It's been a month. And we haven't heard anything. Do please jump online here and post and let us know that you are ok. Four weeks of silence after heart surgery has me concerned.

Hope you post here soon,


Announcements and News / World of Khoras Forum Update
November 01, 2023, 08:24:38 PM
I had some technical problems with the forum and had to do some updates and patches. It got a bit tricky and the forum was down for several days, but it looks like everything is working again and we are back online.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Announcements and News / Re: When it rains it pours
September 28, 2023, 06:29:10 PM
I'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best.

Do jump on the forum here and let us know you're ok afterwards (when you can). We'll be waiting for you.

All the best,


Announcements and News / Re: When it rains it pours
August 01, 2023, 10:17:31 PM
It's fine with me. Go ahead and post a link.
Announcements and News / Re: When it rains it pours
July 24, 2023, 10:27:13 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about all of your troubles. My goodness, you certainly have had a rough year. My condolences on losing your mom. I also recently lost a parent, my dad, a little over a year ago. He was also 85. It's tough to lose a parent at any age. You have my sympathies. I'm glad your last day with her was a good one.

I hope your October heart surgery goes well and that you are able to recover quickly. Take care of yourself. I'm also in Washington. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

That's good information. Thanks. I'm glad to hear that people are comfortable converting. Even so, I'm now thinking of just including both metric and imperial. It may be unnecessary, but it may occasionally save someone the hassle of having to look it up. I want to make the game as easy as possible for everyone.

Temperature hasn't come up yet. It's mainly distance (miles vs km) , length (feet vs meters) and weight (pounds vs kilograms) - those three come up repeatedly. I think I'll probably stick with miles rather than leagues and pounds rather than stones.

You make several good points. I'm starting to lean more toward retooling for the old system. Not everyone is more comfortable with feet and miles (I'm still waiting to hear from the European forum members), but I know many people here in the US who would probably prefer it to metric.

And also, it is more historically accurate. I understand that there are cultures throughout history that used other systems, but when I build Khoras (specifically, several kingdoms in Ithria) and when I game, I'm basing most of it on medieval England, specifically. I unapologetically love England and its history. So, I guess I've got a couple of good reasons to move away from metric for this game. Still on the fence though. Still gathering info and hearing opinions.

Better late than never. :)  Very glad to hear you like it.

I've noticed a pattern on the maps. I've done a version of the map about every 10 years.

Version 1 - 1991
Version 2 - 1998
Version 3 - 2008
Version 4 - 2018

So that means, Version 5 of the map will need to be done in 2028.

I have no idea what kind of technology I'll have in six years, but here's to hoping I can include every village, layers that you can turn on and off, zoomable down to the square kilometer, 3D terrain and who knows what else...

Well, the metric system has only been around for a couple of centuries. Before that I think Europe was using the old system. And the old system was a mix of things, but several units came from the Roman empire, if I recall correctly.

Anyway, I am curious what the Europeans say about it. Most of the world uses the metric system. So, yeah, making it metric might make it more attractive to people around the world. But maybe they will say that it's better to use the old units to maintain the "flavor" of the medieval world. I don't know. Curious to hear what they say.

But I will mark your vote down as one for the old system. :)

And yes, once I've completed a few hundred hours of play testing and am very happy with it, I will make it available online as a free downloadable PDF. I would be very interested in gamers trying it out and giving me feedback.
Hello All,

I have been working on a new role playing game. Well, actually, the same one I've taken a few half-hearted attempts over the years. But this time is different. I'm older, wiser and a more experience game master. I'm sure those of you who have been around the Khoras forum know that I am frustrated with the Dungeons and Dragons game and have longed for something more realistic. Well, I've decided to build a new role playing game system, once and for all. The only way to play the game of my dreams is to build it myself.

I've been focusing on it a lot the last few months and I've just started playtesting sections of it with a friend. He's running a sword and shield type fighter so we are really just testing the basics of the melee combat system. More playtesting will come later and we'll test other sections. I expect it'll take another year to complete. When it's ready, I'll make sure it's available online - either on this website or through DrivethruRPG or something similar.

Anyway, I had a couple of questions. I'm in the United States. The US is one of the few nations in the world that doesn't use the metric system. It's maddeningly frustrating to some of us in the States. I am a huge fan and ardent supporter of the metric system. I think the United States should switch to the metric system. I am SUCH a firm believer in it that I decided to use the metric system for this new game.

However, I've wrestled with that idea. The writer in me doesn't like the idea because the metric system doesn't "feel" medieval. And now I'm having second thoughts about it. Should a medieval fantasy "swords and sorcery" game stick with feet, inches, miles, leagues and such in order to maintain the illusion of a medieval world?

I am particularly interested in what people from Europe have to say. Those of you in Europe use the metric system every single day. For those of you who are in Europe AND are gamers, what do you use in your role playing games? Do you tend to stick with metric measurements or do you switch to imperial units for medieval gaming? If you switch, does it feel weird to switch or does it feel "appropriate" for the genre? What do you think I should use for a new medieval fantasy RPG? What RPGs are you playing and what systems of measurement do they use?

I really am curious. I welcome all input from everyone. I have been thinking about this for awhile. I've gone back and forth on it a couple times. Now I'm hoping to get some input from other gamers and fantasy readers. Metric or imperial?

As the game gets further developed, I will likely have other questions and will throw them out to this forum.

Thank you in advance,


Interesting. If I was writing a book that involved another language in a significant way, these tools would be invaluable. Very cool. However, in gaming, I have found that I rarely need to go into that kind of detail with other languages. But there seem to be a lot of people that are really into constructing language. And that first one, Vulgar, is absolutely amazing.