Current Activities?

Started by Roman, September 16, 2014, 12:49:26 PM

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It has been a while since I last posted here. Getting unrestricted Internet access on deployment is quite difficult. However, I hope that has been resolved for the next few months. I see David has done a lot of work on the Religions. I need to go through them, especially Kael and Barrinor -- and I can't wait for the Dark Lords.

In the past months, I have commenced the Avisarr campaign with five friends. We've gotten quite far, and we've all been having a blast. Khoras is such a wonderful world. It's become something entirely different than I had originally planned, but I don't mind at all. It's been amazing. Four of the players were completely new to RPG's, but they've been role-playing like champions. We've all kept notes about the sessions and now I'm trying to put them together into a narrative in an attempt to do something different from the usual 'session summaries'. Hopefully I'll get around to it soon so I can post them here. And then we can continue in the near future, hopefully. Deployment has its advantages.

So, what has everyone been up to? Is anyone playing any campaigns or one-off sessions? In Khoras or not? Has anyone read any good books? Seen any good movies?

David Roomes

Where are you deployed?

Glad to hear you're running a campaign in Khoras and that the players are having fun. As long as everyone is having fun, that's all that matters. :)

Yes, the Religion section has been getting a lot of love. Several people requested it. It's taking me a lot longer than I anticipated, but this has been a very busy year. I am continuing to just plow through them one by one. I'm hoping to have them all done well before the end of the year.

Another big Khoras related project which also has an "end of year" deadline is to finish the third short story (technically, it's no longer a short story, it's actually a novel at this point). Three more chapters and "The Jewel of the Wild Sea" will be completed. So, before the year is out, both of those big projects will be done. After that, I'll tackle another short story, but the next story will be SHORT! :)

I've been watching different things on Hulu lately and I recently stumbled upon an obscure fantasy series from the early 2000s. It's called "Dark Knight". Anyone ever heard of it? It stars Ben Pullen as Ivanhoe. It's got terrible special effects, but it has a quirky charm to it. It sort of reminds me of the 80's TV show "Wizards and Warriors".

I am not currently running any campaigns (and actually kind of miss it), but one of my old players says he wants to run a one off adventure so hopefully I'll be tossing the dice (as a player!) soon.
David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras


Nice, David, you don't get enough of that, do you?

And glad to hear that you're having a good time, Roman. Glad that you're enjoying the updates to the website. Once you get that narrative together, I'd be interested in reading it in the Campaigns section. :D

As for me, I'm busy with school at the moment, and in addition I'm working (slowly, slowly) on some personal projects. My focus right now is a trading card game and a t-shirt line.

And I'm the secretary of my University's Philosophy Club, so that keeps me busy.

As for books or movies, I watched Guardians of the Galaxy a while back, which was fun, and I'm watching the new season of Doctor Who. In the meantime, I've read some really interesting books on linguistics, and I'm trying to work my way through Glen Cook's A Cruel Wind/Chronicles of the Dread Empire trilogy and 1984 (I know, I know, I should have already read that, but I've only read Brave New World, so sue me XD ).
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


real life has gotten in the way of many of my pursuits...

our kitchen floor started sagging which we found out it was from a bust hot water the insurance guy came out and thats when the fireworks started
needless to say after a 2 month wait the guys finally came on monday and are finishing up today(thursday) fixing the kitchen...

in the mean time my mother broke her shoulder while chasing my sisters dog...the first surgury went quite well but they didn't finish the job correctly
so she had to go in for a 2nd surgury...that didn't work so she needed a 3rd surgury..which is when TSHTF...they cut an artery so she had to have a 4tth surgury to fix that
if they hadn't done it when they did she would have died...meanwhile she developed 2 clots in her arm that have since been disolved but left her hand paralyzed partially
which happens to be her left hand and yes she is left i have been a nurse now for about 3 months...and im tired....but i've a new appreciation for nurses and doctors...

my one joy now is i can generally get 1 hour of peace a day to surf the web generally at 4-5pm in the early afternoon...tody i've caught a break and am getting and extra hour right now to surf...

David Roomes

Four surgeries for a broken shoulder? Wow, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear she's been through so much. I hope she's doing ok now.

Hang in there. Things are bound to get better eventually.
David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras


I'm sorry to hear about your recent difficulties, Sid. I hope things have improved by now.

David, I was employed in Congo. I'm hoping to go back there soon (as I was scheduled to), but that seems unlikely now due to various high-level issues. Oh well.

I haven't gotten around to writing the campaign narrative yet. I need to force myself one of these days, I think, because reliving our adventures in that way is a lot of fun. Two players are still in Congo, and the rest of us refuses to continue without them, so the campaign itself is stuck too.

To keep myself busy in that regard, I've been reading other people's gaming adventures, and watching sessions on YouTube. I found out about a system called Dungeon World. Has anyone here ever played it? It's narrative-driven and is truly a collective story-telling system rather than a combat-focused system, so I love it. Battles in Pathfinder can take hours and that's a lot of fun if you're in the mood for it, but I do love true narrative-driven sessions as well.

If anyone is interested, here's a good Dungeon World campaign and it starts with character creation, which already gives you a good idea about what it's like and how stories are set up. I'd love to try it out myself:

David Roomes

So, is the idea behind that just a video recording of a gaming session? That's a pretty cool idea. I've always been curious and interested in how other people run their games. I may have to cruise Youtube and see what's out there. It'd be fun to watch a gaming session unfold. Thanks for pointing the link.
David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras


Yeah, that's exactly the idea. That YouTube user (itmeJP) has a ton of games going on in many different systems. And everyone involved in all of those games have their own games running as well etc etc. I personally love itmeJP's videos because they look slick, which adds a lot as well.


everyone have a merry Christmas!

:o ;D ;) :)


Sid, you beat me to it.

Merry Christmas everyone! Happy holidays, and a happy new year to you all!
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

David Roomes

David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras

Laurent MEKKA


Happy New Year to all of you, as well!

For Auld Lang Syne, and all that.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
