Analogues of real-world cultures in Khoras?

Started by MysticWind, February 09, 2006, 11:07:26 PM

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I created this in the old forum, and I'll just ask this again for good measure.

What Khoras nations/civilizations/races are based on real-world cultures?

Also, is there any version of pre-Colombian cultures (Aztec/Inca/Maya)?  If not, might they appear in the future on some yet-to-be-discovered island?

Finally, do you pay special attention to try not to be too influenced by the real world cultures?  It might be too cliche, I gather, for some of our events in Khoras to be too similar to historical ones, such as "the discovery of the New World."


Yeah, that's a good question. I can't remember what I wrote last time, but I'll just answer off the top of my head.

I do often have a specific culture in mind when I am writing up a city or nation. Not all Khoras nations have a real world counterpart, but some of them do. Often, the connection isn't obvious in the text. But it's what I envision whenever I think of them. 

Here's a short list...

Normidia and Vorrik - Both of these have hints of Germanic and Scandinavian influence in architecture, food and culture.

Anquar and Rukemia - Subtle hints of the Roman Empire in style of dress and architecture.

Arkalia - This is your classic knights in shining armor European kingdom.

Aukarian Republic - This one is a blend of feudal Japan and Middle East. Their culture has a feudal, caste based, honor saturated style like feudal Japan, but the people dress a bit more like middle easterners. More specifically, with regards to dress and look, I always think of the character of Ardeth Bay from "The Mummy" whenever I think of a typical Aukarian Republic male. How's THAT for specific? :)

Bathynia - This culture has a strong Celtic flavor.

Eshtar - This one is a blend of several African tribes with a little Caribbean thrown in.

Falkir Clans, Khenshire, Jannerus - All the grumman lands are based on rural England from centuries ago. Very Hobbitish. With a little bit of Kender mixed in.

Iron States - The warlike culture was based on an ancient civilization I read about over in the middle East. But the clothing and genetic look are more Norwegian or Scandinavian.

Kalimura - Architecture is central Europe inspired. Prague and such. But other than that, no real influence.

Ormek - Food, clothing, climate and culture based loosely on Spain.

Padashan Empire - Very strong Arabian influence.

Mytharians - Although they don't really have a proper nation, the Human Subrace called the Mytharians are based heavily on the real world Scythians.

Those are just the ones off the top of my head that have definite sources of inspiration. Most of the others don't have a real world counterpart.

I don't have any pre-Colombian cultures as of yet, but Qeshir would be a good place to put them. Or perhaps the "yet to be discovered" continent. :)


Besides the Eshtari, are there people who would look African in Khoras?  And are there people who look like Asians?  If not, you can always place them along with any other real-world races not yet mentioned, as well as new sub-races of elves, orcs, dwarves, etc. in the next continent...

Quote from: David Roomes on February 10, 2006, 09:26:45 AM
Not all Khoras nations have a real world counterpart, but some of them do. Often, the connection isn't obvious in the text. But it's what I envision whenever I think of them. 

Do you ever try to avoid writing too many cultures inspired by real-world cultures?  I thought you might not want to make Khoras too much like our world, like Warhammer does.  That's why I didn't ask you if there was a Hindu/Indian analogue.  Though I thought that's what the caste system came from.


Besides the Eshtari, the Myrians are dark skinned and look a bit African. Also, there are a couple of human subraces in Qeshir with very dark skin.

As for writing up cultures, I try to base it in real world example and inspiration, but try to create unique and interesting cultures that are new. Creative, but grounded in reality.


on mine i have

dephora = USA
brevendrear = britian/rome
waxnia = france
boond = german/britian
taxniaochia = aztec also = spider/ant
diijmiut = eskimo/athabaskian/inuit/laplander/thule
irekonni - ireland
vlant = russia
vudria = arabia
lepan = nepal
nush = india
xili = spain/eygpt
payvik = viking/nordic also = lions
ojenic = south pacific also = fish
pejejpt/ozowlu = zulu
kauj = hell

if it aint obvious on khoras david just hasnt got to it yet...!!!
khoras has dozens of nations/races it will take time!