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Messages - Delbareth

General Discussion and Questions / Re: Dumb idea
July 23, 2014, 02:31:39 AM
In fact what I don't like in the "parrallele universe" theory is precisely the butterfly effect.
To my opinion, this effect is incredibly underestimated. If you change a very simple detail, it will induce bigger and bigger changes all around, like circles in water.

  • In weeks, a lot of details will be changed (position of people, amount of currency exchange...)
  • In months, several persons will die instead of living, or live instead of dieing (accident, fight...)
  • In years, a lot of people will live in different place due to the previous modifications
  • In decades, all new born child will surely be different, as there is no reason why the same chromosomes will be chosen (sexual acts will be different, skiped, postponed...)
Ok I'm a little bit strict (I'm a physicist :D ), but I think things would happen like that if it would exist in reality.
General Discussion and Questions / Re: Dumb idea
July 21, 2014, 02:01:38 PM
I think your idea is interesting, even if I still prefer the "evolutionnary" one.
After all, evolution can occurs on minor caracteristic in few decades (do you know that some white butterflies became black when the pollution began in the XIXe century?). And this happened on Earth without drellisian radiation!

Concerning other planes, I also like the principles of the multiverse. But I don't like AT ALL the principles of parrallele universes. I don't like the idea of similar universes, with same people doing the same thing with subtile differences.

For me there are an infinite number of universes which are different from our by an (undefined) set of dimentional coordinates.
It means that for a given x,y,z you can play on one or several of these dimentional coordinates to reach the same point (x,y,z) in another universe.
As the universes are mainly full of vacuum, I think funny that every wormhole built from Khoras by a stupid would-be-comologist lead to the void. You need to adjust not only the dimentional coordinates but also the standard x,y,z to "reach" something interesting.

Of course, as many think, physical laws are similar in universes in the same "dimentional region". It allows to explain why we can explore a lot of them, and let some room to imagine other physical/magical rules in the other RPG. I also see the demonic planes as universe with quite different physical law, being some sort of exception to the previous rule. It explains why these planes are full of terrible beasts, completely different with what we use to meet (in harsh environement it's more difficult to built a raffined and exquisite civilisation).

At the end, I also imagine that a universe can "move" in its dimentional coordinate. Then it can sometime come very close to (or even cross) an other universe. In this condition, a huge number of holes can open naturally, mainly from space to space. But sometime, it can also connect a dangerous world to Khoras...

Well that's just my vision
Don't be sorry.
In French I would say "C'est tout a ton honneur!", which I can try to translate into the pachydermiuc sentence "It will be applied to your credits" (? Tanis do you approve that?)
Every question finds an answer, in the Khoras world!
ta-da-dam-dam  ;D
I also think secondary entrance are not a big fail in the Citadel security.
And I love to imagine that for centuries, many people managed to build their own secret entrance/exit without asking for that. :)

Another question : is their some sort of sewer system (or Citadel-compatible sewer)?
I mean, how do they manage to keep the Citadel from being a big garbage dump? I guess there is no strong ecological common behavior...  ;)
Quote from: tanis on April 02, 2014, 03:58:37 AM
Hi, guys. Man, have I been gone too long.

Hi Tanis!
We miss you!
Of course secondary entrances could be a good idea but...
The Citadel is a fortress (or at least was created like that), usually a fortress doesn't have multiple backdoors.
Moreover in the Citadel page, there is no specific description of such things, only the main gate.

In fact that's the point!  ;)
I'm sure there is other entrances (hidden? private? heavily guarded?) and that point should be a little bit investigated
Teleportation is something very special.
I think teleportation has to be a very difficult spell, not just something to simplify life. Black Sorcerer could have the ability to do that of course, but I think it's a little bit too much...
I have a very little question about the structure of the Citadel. Noty very important, just something weird from a practical point of view.

I imagine the Black Sorcerers invoking monsters and stuffs from other planes, or creating new creatures, in their own labs.
I guess they have pleinty of special rooms, quite large, for this purpose.
I also think they would like to test them, to use their ability... and for that they will often have to get them out of the Citadel (to laucnh them into war, to test them in the wilderness...).

But I find weird to imagine these foul beast getting out of the Citadel through the main staircasen through the main gate, going on the main large road into the city...
If I were one of them, I would like to bring them out more... clandestinely.
Would I be obliged to use a large piece of cloth to cover my monster? Ot do them have some sort of special -large- path to get out unnoticed?
General Discussion and Questions / Re: Life Crystal
March 26, 2014, 07:23:06 AM
I like all your explanations.
In fact I feared it was some sort of Dunjeon-like famous stuff (if you remember I don't like/play (A)DD[1-4])  ;)
General Discussion and Questions / Life Crystal
March 25, 2014, 05:22:53 AM

I have some interrogations about the life crystal. I never used it because I was never satisfied with it.
This crystal is supposed to detect life, but how could it be used?  ???
If anyone hold this crystal (or stand close to look at it), it will react firstly to THIS person before anything else.

I precise that I don't like the possibility to build a life detector with lead (one of my player already tried to build a flashlight with a powerful glowstone and surrounding material). I don't like that because it uses a nowadays idea.

Well I guess it could be used when placed above a door, like a doorbell (another nowadays idea). But it's not very practical.

Has any one of you ever used lifestone? If yes, how?
Miscellaneous / Re: 1000 years of history
March 21, 2014, 01:31:24 AM
For thos who only watch the youtube video, here are some key date (i.e clearly visible on the map):
- 1240: "Kievan Rus" disapearrance
- 1330: 1st "Ottoman Empire" appearance
- 1450: 1st "Rusia" appearance
- 1550: Spain absorbs Portugal
- 1800: French boost (Napoleonian wars)
- 1860: Italy unification
- 1910: many new countries in the eastern europe
- 1940: German boost (WWII)
Miscellaneous / Re: 1000 years of history
March 20, 2014, 02:24:48 PM
It seems I can't see it on my home computer, but it was working on my laptop.
In fact it's a work from Centenia (
They made a software for that, and they propose some free video, but not the one we're talking about.

Anyway I managed to find it on youtube, but without the incremential date:
Miscellaneous / 1000 years of history
March 20, 2014, 04:40:04 AM
There is a video published by Repubblica (it should be an italian newspaper) showing the border swings in europe during the past 1000 years.
It's incredible...

The video can be found here on a french newspapaer website :
I think the link won't work more than few days or weeks, and I didn't manage to find the original video.

After seeing that, only one feeling for me: shame on us...

Quote from: sid6.7 on March 09, 2014, 03:07:58 PM
did in fact(timeline) draxorith get banished or was that just your adventure?

I think it's the core of the problem.
Do you think it is a part of the world, or just an add-on for a campaign?

I think the whole world is affected by the same problem.
What if a GM wants the war between Duthelm and Kitar already finished?
What if a GM wants Caramus was overthrowned by another group and didn't pass the power to Sillar?
What if a GM wants Ithria be sunk underwater?

You see my point. You DESCRIBE the world. You are obliged to give details and some of them can be in conflict with GMs.
Sometime, you let something unprecise to give the GM a lattitude to include his campaign.
As you say at every occasion, if a GM want to change something, he has not to hesitate.

So I completely support the fact to fix the events in the timeline. Not necessarily the way they were played by your players, because as you said it could be rude, but they should be fixed.