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Topics - Yellow Eagle

Completed / Omission in fauna (and flora)
January 30, 2011, 10:02:55 AM
I (so far) found an omission in the Fauna/Swamp entry for "Dragonsnake":
Under "Habitat" the second sentence reads "The corvenians" ....
Just wondering what the corvenians do with them  ::)

Yellow Eagle

EDIT: also found this in Flora/Desolation:
1: The True Name  "Jumair" is listed for both the Whip Vine and the Cloaking Bush.  Does both these plants have the same True Name or just an oversight?

2: Flora/Grasslands: the "Landwing"? is it a "Landwig" as listed in the entry for it, or is it "Landwing" as in main list?
Hi David,

Just wondering if it would be alright with you if I used some parts of your website (maps, nation descriptions) over on my private website, to provide background for my gaming group.  Do you prefer me to just attribute said portions to the Khoras website, provide links, or what? I am not using it to make a profit or anything like that, and the general public will not have access to the site.

Thanks, Yellow Eagle