A Big One!

Started by Delbareth, March 19, 2009, 12:18:19 PM

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Various sections

In flora section :
   - Each page has some "next/previous chapter" buttons, but these buttons are useless. It goes to the previous/next element in alphabetical order, and we (at least I) never ever use it. The problem is the same in some other section like merchendise  [I agree. Those "chapter" buttons are a legacy item from the earliest days of Khoras. Those will be deleted soon from the Fauna and Merchandise section. They are no longer needed as a navigational tool.]
   - Sand God : sentence repetition in the "physical properties" section  [Fixed! :)]

In fauna section :
   - Shimmer cat : "It has the body mass and shape of a large cat" BUT "and weighs about 200 pounds". It's a very large cat :D  [This has been adjusted to 45 kilos which is more in line with what I had in mind.]
   - Carion crow : If I'm right "carion crow" is a real name of an already existing animal. But here it describe something a little bit different... [ yep, looks like you're right. Coincidence.]
   - Mist horror : the speed of this creature is not specified... is it fast or slow?  [Slow. Will add that to the description].
   - Whip spider : You do not precise the size of this creature. I see that with a 30cm leg-span. Is it right? [Yep, about a half meter].

In lesser race page :
   - Scrub rats : 2' tall in short description (resuming all lesser races) VS 3' tall in scrub rats page. [Fixed]

In Mineralogy section :
   - Orichalcum said to be 1000 gp/kilogram, but 1000 gp/pound in the magical shielding page (and all other minerals are expressed in gp/pound) [Fixed]
   - Cristals, Metals and Minerals : a lot of prices are given in gp/pound (instead of gp/kg) [Fixed]
   - Webbed Obsidian : link to Northern Tusk lead to Mountain page, not Northern Tusk page [Fixed]

In Arcane Item section :
   - Iron Viper Arrow : said to be created by a Kytohan mage during the 3rd century... the 3rd century of what? I suppose it the Thullian callendar since the Kytohan Empire decayed quickly after the Sundering  [Fixed]
   - Necronid : the various names of this object are inverted : Bone Horror for the standard name, Necronid for the other names [Fixed]

Merchandise / Transportation page
    - Durogar is said to be a ship but is placed in the "land based transportation table" [Fixed]
    - "Rukemian Drakkar"? Rukemian Empire builds drakkars??? :o [Not really a mistake... :) - but I've addressed this...]

Physical World/Planet page :
    - "ocean cover two third�s of the planet" According to the maps it's more probably 3/4 or 4/5, and The Great Western Ocean and The Vast are certainly bigger than represented in these map (otherwise west Ithria and east Aggradar would be close to each other) [Fixed]


Irenni League :
   - in the first table, in allies and enemies box, the Thullian Empire and Traxx Legion are not linked (but they could be!)  [Fixed]
   - in History section : the word "Ithria" is used instead of "Irenni League" in the sentence "Ithria reach its peak in the fourth century"  [Fixed]
   - in the timeline it is said that they have created the adaptor, but it's the thullian empire which did that (said in the timeline page))  [Fixed]

Thullian Empire :
   - same thing in the allies and enemies box : you can put link to Irenni League and Traxx Legion [Fixed]

Traxx Legion :
   - same thing [Fixed]

all old empire :
   - You can indicate the year they have collapsed (and not only the year of their founding)  [This has been added.]


Age of Sorrow :
   - You should invert paragraph dealing with Arkalia foundation and the one dealing with the end of the Irenni League [I agree. Minor adjustment made.]

Age of Chaos :
   - "In the Traxx Legion, while most military forces were occupied elsewhere, a prisoner revolt in a large prison led to the overthrow of a small city. In the north, thousands of refugees were left homeless after the formation of the Captured Sea."
What is this city? [Yes, that city was what would become Asylum.]In the timeline it is said to be Asylum... Was it recovered by Traxxian forces after that? If not, WHY??? [The Traxx Legion was being torn apart by civil war and the prison was turned into a fortified base.]


Order of the Drake :
   - "His king ordered him to destroy the hatchling, but Andarius refused believing this event was divinely inspired. He was banished from the kingdom." It's not a king/kingdom, but an emperor/empire... [Fixed]
   - I think there is conflict between the section "Order of the Drake" and the "Aerial Guard" of The Citadel. The later seems weak and not used in combat, since the first ones are very very powerfull. What are the differences? The knights are knights, ok... well trained and armed, ok... Why Duthelm don't use its firedrake for the same purpose (i.e powerfull team)? [Well, probably several reasons for this. The Citadel Aerial Guard is just a division of palace guards really as opposed to the Order who are all knights. The Aerial Guard receive less training and access to fewer funds, whereas the Order are hand picked from among the best of the best and have vast economic funds. The Aerial Guard has a very limited area of authority... just guarding the Citadel from aerial attack and a few other minor directives. Whereas the Order has a broad mission statement encompassing entire kingdoms. Finally, and most importantly, Queen Sillar probably limits the Aerial Guard intentionally so as to keep them under her tight control. She wouldn't want them to become too powerful as they might pose a threat or could be used as a valuable pawn in a military coup. The Order of the Drake is an independent organization and has no such constraints.]

Organization/unnamed :
   - It's a page which can be found via the "Search page" with words "Better too much passion". It's an old page with a lot of contradictions (Saridian or Vaullian are said to be in Ithell or Arkalia), but it seems to be a cool organization to update. [Not sure about this one. The SEARCH function of Khoras is temporarily off line and probably will be for another month or so. I did use Google to search for the word "passion" within just the Khoras website, but I did not see any pages that matched your description. I don't recall any old pages that fit that description. But I'll keep an eye out for it.]


Kael :
    - In "Holy Days" section, you say that you have 2 full moons every 3 years, and 3 full moons every 11 years. First it's not possible since 3 is not a multiple of 11. Moreover it should be more frequent to have "1 full moon" than "2 full moon" and far more frequent than "3 full moon". But the corresponding periods given are few days / 3 years / 11 years. In fact the intermediate value should be closer to few days than to 11 years (I don't know, perhaps 3 months...). Or the "3 full moons" can also happen only each 150 years... Anyway, I just wanted to say that there is some strangeness in the full moons periods. [Fixed. I've modified both the Kael page and the Astronomy page. If my math is correct, the orbital alignment patterns make sense now. Read the Astronomy page for a full list of lunar orbital alignments.]

Language :
   - the elven tongue is missing in the post-Irreni box in the language graph  [I don't think this is a mistake. Although it is influenced by Irenni, Elvish is descended from Pruelon which is descended from Darzeku. So, although Elvish has characteristics of both branches, it is primarily a Darzeku family language.]

Site map :
   - link "the Coalition" dead  [Fixed.]

in the glossary : A
    - Aberration : second item which say that it's "The informal name for a group or "conclave" consisting of seven Chaos Sorcerers." But the link "Aberration" goes to the other type of aberration i.e influence of Drellis radiations on plants and animals. [Fixed.]
Les MJ ne sont ni sadiques ni cruels, ce sont juste des artistes incompris.


Organization/unnamed :
   - It's a page which can be found via the "Search page" with words "Better too much passion". It's an old page with a lot of contradictions (Saridian or Vaullian are said to be in Ithell or Arkalia), but it seems to be a cool organization to update. [Not sure about this one. The SEARCH function of Khoras is temporarily off line and probably will be for another month or so. I did use Google to search for the word "passion" within just the Khoras website, but I did not see any pages that matched your description. I don't recall any old pages that fit that description. But I'll keep an eye out for it.]

I know the page which he's talking about. It's a very old Organization page with very little detail and which makes less sense. You should be able to find it manually in the site map. I seem to remember not being able to search for it. But it has been bugging me as to what that was about lol.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Aha! Found it. The Saridian Organization of Builders. Sort of a guild of craftsmen in Sarid. Yes, looks like that was an unfinished idea. Probably why it's not linked. I'll finish that one up and post it. Give me a couple of days.


Wouaaaah! Coooool :)

For your calendar calculation, hum... There are mistakes...  :-[
First I think you have written 38 days instead of 36 days for the Mektor period, because the value you give are based on 36 days (ex : 36 * 15 = 540 days = 1 year 8 months, 36 * 9 = 324 days = 1 year). I think you calculated right, and has written wrong on the website

But then, you have just multiplied period like 36 days (Mektor) and 9 days (Night's Jewel), to find 1 year for two the full moons. But in fact 9*4 = 36, then every 4 rotations of Night's Jewel, Mektor is full again. In fact , with these values of periods, I find :
Mektor + Thrykan : 20 weeks
Mektor + Night's Jewel : 36 days
Thrykan + Night's Jewel : 45 days
Mektor + Thrykan + Night's Jewel : 20 weeks also
All that is because you have chosen values for period only integer number or simple fraction of week : Mektor 4 weeks, Thrykan 5/3 weeks, Night's Jewel 1 week. That's why they are often full at the same time! But carry on! We're close to something right! ;)

ddConcerning elvish tongue, I haven't noticed it in the Dazrek tongue "box"... My fault ;D
Les MJ ne sont ni sadiques ni cruels, ce sont juste des artistes incompris.


Well, I did actually mean 38 days for Mektor. However, I did make a mistake in my math. So, here's the deal. Go ahead and check my math.

If we assume that the lunar periods are 9 days, 15 days and 38 days, respectively... then here's what we get for orbital alignment:

Night's Jewel (9 days) and Thrykar (15 days) = Every 45 days (every 5 weeks)

Night's Jewel (9 days) and Mektor (38 days) = Every 342 days (a little over a year)

Thrykar (15 days) and Mektor (38 days) = Every 570 days (about 1.75 years)

All Three Moons (9 and 15 and 38) = Every 1,710 days. (5.27 years roughly)

Check my math. Is that right?

So, if that's correct, lesser conjunctions (2 moons) happen with some frequency, but the greater conjunctions (all 3 moons) are more like every 5 years.

Hmmm.... I'm still not satisfied with that. I may continue to tinker with this. More on this later...


I agree with your math now! :)
And I notice that if you change 15 into 16 days, it gives you :
T+N = 9*16 = 144 days = 0.5 years approximately
T+M = 16*38/2 = 304 days = 1 year approximately
T+N+M = 16*9*38/2 = 2736 days = 8.5 years approximately

Or if you change 15 into 13 days (no common factor between 9(3x3), 13, and 38 (2*19)) , this time it gives :
T+N = 9*13 = 117 days = 4 months approximately
T+M = 13*38 = 494 days = 1.5 years approximately
T+N+M = 13*9*38 = 2736 days = 13.7 years approximately

Question ! do you plane to fix a date for a great conjonction (and then fix all the moon calendar), or do you let it free to users?
Les MJ ne sont ni sadiques ni cruels, ce sont juste des artistes incompris.


my question is how many days are in a Khorasian year?  ???
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


To answer your question Tanis, there are 324 days in a Khorasian year. Each week is 9 days, there are 3 weeks in each month and 12 months in a year. So, 9*3*12=324.

And Delbareth... I like your second suggestion! If Thrykar is 13 days, that expands the length nicely and the great conjunction occurs every 13.7 years. That's much better.  To answer your question, I'm not sure. Whether to fix a specific set of dates or to let it float freely. I see advantages both ways. If it floats freely, then each individual Game Master coud set the lunar schedule to whatever they needed for their own plot. However, setting a specific date would allow me to put it in the timeline and perhaps combine it with other historical events.

What do you think? Do you have a preference?


Yes I have! Fix it!
If I have to do it myself, I also have to remember it! I prefer to read it on the website ;)
And if some GM want to play during a great conjonction, they just have to adjust their own starting date close to the conjonction date...
Les MJ ne sont ni sadiques ni cruels, ce sont juste des artistes incompris.


Ok. A fixed date it is. I'll do that this weekend.


Excuse me for replying to buried post but... where did you mentioned the exact date for conjonction? ???
Les MJ ne sont ni sadiques ni cruels, ce sont juste des artistes incompris.


Hi there!
I just realized that Kepler's law allow us to know the orbit of the three moons of Khoras. It gives:
- Mektor 480 000 km
- Thrykar 230 000 km
- Night's Jewel 180 000 km
It can be compared to the Moon with its 380 000 km.
I don't know if you find it useful but a geek like me find it very cool.  8)
Les MJ ne sont ni sadiques ni cruels, ce sont juste des artistes incompris.

David Roomes

That is very cool! I love that.
David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras