Copyright Infringment

Started by David Roomes, March 23, 2015, 11:22:01 PM

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David Roomes

I've mentioned this topic before in the forum, but I thought I'd bring it up again...

I've noticed a number of websites out on the web that have taken a lot of material from Khoras. Some sites link back to the main Khoras website and that's appropriate. Some have my permission to use the material.

But I'm finding more and more sites that just steal outright with no link or mention of Khoras. Several of them just take proper names, which is kind of weird. They'll take a hundred place names from Khoras and borrow the general headlines, but then rewrite a lot of the text. Reading their website is weird... I recognize all the names: Rukemia, Drakkel, Falkir Clans, Mercia and so forth, but it's like someone dropped Khoras into a blender with another fantasy world. It's oddly disjointed. They've changed a lot of words, but left enough intact that they are really toeing the line.

Other sites are more blatant. They take whole sections, names, layout, descriptions, large swaths of text ... and don't even bother to change them. One particularly annoying site lifted a lot of material from Khoras and then had the balls to put this on his "About" page: "Much of the material in the game has been borrowed from other campaign sites around the web". He then put a COPYRIGHT notice at the bottom of every page on his site. Copyrighting stolen material... that's a definite no-no.

I already have an FAQ about what is required to "borrow" stuff from Khoras. I thought maybe I'd put something here in the Forum as well.

So, for the record, anyone is allowed to borrow material from this website ( for use in their personal, private role playing games. No problem. That's what the site is for.

If someone wants to borrow material from Khoras to use in a comic, a website, a short story or any other work of art, all they need to do is ask. Most of the time, my answer is yes. I usually just ask for a credit and link back to Khoras. That's it. A credit and a link.

I hope I'm not coming off as petty or vindictive. It's just that there are a lot of people taking stuff from Khoras, posting it online and claiming it as their own. It's getting more common and it's starting to get annoying.

Maybe this forum comment will help the next world builder rummaging through Khoras to do it right.

To those who regularly visit the forum, sorry about this. Just wanted to vent a little.  ;)   Plus, the forum's been a little quiet lately.

David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras


you have every right to be miffed david you've spent thousands of hours making this world its yours....

I don't know how much it costs to take legal action but some cases may warrant it if they don't comply with your rules...

its not vindictive at all...

I have two links on my site for your map I used in a computer game I hope I've complied with your copyright requirements....let me know i can change anything right quick...

David Roomes

No worries! You've been a big supporter of Khoras for years and a regular on the forum. So, hell, you can use whatever you like from Khoras. With my blessing! :)

The only thing that really pisses me off is when people take material from Khoras, post it somewhere on the web and then claim it as their own. That's just not cool.

Speaking of which, if anyone stumbles upon a website that has lifted material from Khoras and is not linking back to Khoras as the source of the material, do please let me know. Thanks.

David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras