Started by avisarr, January 16, 2010, 05:45:11 PM

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Welcome to the Khoras forum! We hope you have fun here! You don't have to join or post if you don't want to. That's fine. Everyone is welcome to read and lurk as much as they like. However, if you want to post a message to the forum, you need to join.

If you would like to join the Khoras forum in order to post, please email me using the Contact Button above. In the email, let me know what username you would like to have and tell me a little about yourself. It doesn't have to be much - just a sentence or two is fine. You can tell me your real name, or what role playing games you play or even how you found Khoras. It can be anything. The point is simply to prove you are a real person and not an automated spambot.

I check that email daily, so you should get a quick response. After the email is received, I will create an account for you.

I apologize for the inconvenience of having to send an email request first. It's just that the spambots are endless and clever and real users are very infrequent. This seems to be the best method. It will ensure that absolutely no bots or other automated programs get through to cause mischief on the forum.

Thank you.

Email me if you have any questions or comments.