When it rains it pours

Started by sid6.7, July 21, 2023, 11:30:17 PM

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Hello my friends, thought I might update you on happenings in our great state of WA.

In mid Feb. had a colonoscopy just before they did it they ran an EKG, in recovery they told me a valve was closing in the old ticker. Set an appt. for 2.5 months away.
On June 15th got covid, 1st day I thought I was gonna die. Couldn't even walk for a couples hours in the morning had to crawl around the house. after 14 days It rebounded
for 4 more so on July 1st in the morning I no longer had it. About 1 hr later is when the heart attack started it took 48 hours until Monday the 3rd of July 5am to finally hit with
the big one. I thought again I was a dead man. On the 2nd I had emailed Dr. with symptoms. She called on the 3rd at 8am and said heart attack go to the hospital NOW.
Sure enough 10 minutes there and they said YES it was. So, 3 hours later went into emergency heart attack surgery. They went through the wrist into the heart and put a stint.
2.5 days later was home. can't do back to back heart surgery's so valved postponed till Oct 3rdish.

During this time since 2020 have been taking care of mom. She got dementia then. It was slow kind though for her.

Last night at 930pm mom died. She was good at 8pm, went to give her meds at 9pm and I saw she was gone. Tried CPR for 15 minutes with 911 help but had to stop
cause my heart started to feel bad again. Luckily the medics came about 2 minutes later. They worked on her for 40 minutes about and then couldn't revive her. Shes gone.
Not sure what happened but coroner still has to look. We had a good day that day, not one sign anything was wrong at ALL.

Betty Jean Wallis 5/12/1938 - 7/20/2023 85yo...
Interesting in 2007 July 10th my rotten father died.

About 20+ folks since NOV 2023 have died on both sides of family. 17 on moms side and 3 on fathers.
She lost a sister in Jan and another in Feb. It left her (85) and Brother (92). Now it's just him of 7 kids.

She's with God and her family now so finally at peace and rest.

It's the worst year I've ever had.

C. Wallis her son (58) and sister L. Kelly (57) survive. No grandkids.

This house has never been BIGGER now that I'm the only one in it.



David Roomes


I'm so sorry to hear about all of your troubles. My goodness, you certainly have had a rough year. My condolences on losing your mom. I also recently lost a parent, my dad, a little over a year ago. He was also 85. It's tough to lose a parent at any age. You have my sympathies. I'm glad your last day with her was a good one.

I hope your October heart surgery goes well and that you are able to recover quickly. Take care of yourself. I'm also in Washington. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras


Sorry for your losses, both of you. My parents have been ailing a bit as well, and I know it's devastating when the worst arrives. Good luck with your surgery, as well.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Thanks guys, if you are praying types I would appreciate that since we are far apart. I'm Thurston County BTW. Sorry to hear that Dave. My condolences to your loss as well...

Would you mind or anyone if I put a link here so folks can listen on the phone or watch on zoom the services?


David Roomes

It's fine with me. Go ahead and post a link.
David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras


Thought you might want this information maybe?

For MOM:

ZOOM: for mom

Wally is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: My Meeting Time: Aug 25, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4033041972?pwd=cUx2Sm1CdG9KQ3NhTHBvS1llY0ZhZz09 Meeting ID: 403 304 1972 Passcode: 08252023 ---

One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 403 304 1972 Passcode: 08252023

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kBgbFGUHP

PHONE: for mom

Phone Call-in number 1-(774)-450-9900 access code 521-7839#

Computer or mobile device- webcall.turbobridge.com Conference ID is access code  521-7839
Name and email optional.

They both save files if you wish that.

Aug 25th 11am you can come in at Fhome, 12 noon it starts till 1pm For the service.

Milla and Mills home on littlerock road in Tumwater WA.


When Mom (Betty) was born in 1938 these were some common prices of things.

Car: $700
Gas: .20 cents a gal
Bread .09 cents a loaf
Milk: .50 cents a gal
Eggs: .18 cents per dozen
Stamps: .03 cents
Average annual salary: $1500
House: $3900
Rent: $27 a month
Harvard Tuition: $420 per year

S&H Green stamps helped with food and gas.

Grandpa Eicher (Her dad) made about $25 a week at the Union Pacific railroad.
They paid about $10 per week for rent.


Here we go folks,

Goodmorning everyone,

Here we go open heart surgery. 3am I'll be up tomorrow head out a 330am to be there at 500am Tacoma General. 7am they start.

If you are the praying type, do that and thanks. if you are positive thoughts do that, thanks.

I'll be in bed by 7pm so I can try and get a few hrs in. I want to be clear and strong when I go under the knife.

regards always

David Roomes

I'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best.

Do jump on the forum here and let us know you're ok afterwards (when you can). We'll be waiting for you.

All the best,


David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras

David Roomes

Wally (or Cruzan or sid6.7) or whatever I should call you  :)

Are you ok? It's been a month. And we haven't heard anything. Do please jump online here and post and let us know that you are ok. Four weeks of silence after heart surgery has me concerned.

Hope you post here soon,


David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras

David Roomes

If anyone is reading this, I'm 99% sure Sid6.7 died. I did some digging and found a web page that listed him under his real name as deceased. I'm not sure, but seeing as how his last message here on the Khoras forum was the night before he went into the hospital for heart surgery, I'm assuming he died on the operating table. If I learn any more information, I'll post it here.

He was an avid fan of Khoras. Even though he lived here in Washington state as I do, we never met face to face. I thought about contacting him and asking him out to lunch just so I could meet him, but I never did. I regret that now.

The internet is a strange place sometimes... it's possible to get to know someone online without ever having seen their face or heard their voice.
David M. Roomes
Creator of the World of Khoras


That's too bad.  :-\

I agree, it's weird how the internet connects us through our words with likeminded strangers. R.I.P. Sid6.7.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.