The World Of Khoras - Civilization - Cities

Legal System of the City of Myranor

Myranor has a fair system of law compared with many other kingdoms. It has a common set of laws tempered with common sense over centuries. Over the past few centuries, since Kitar was formed, Myranorean law has had to adjust to certain imperial law imposed by Rukemia.

The Common Laws of Myranor

Petty Crimes


Drunk and disorderly conduct and public brawling - fine of 5 gold drokmire and one night in the city dungeon.


Breaking and entering - fine of 20 gold drokmire and two months in the city dungeon.


Trespassing on royal property - fine of 50 gold drokmire and six months in the city dungeon.



Theft of common property - return of the property of the victim (if possible) and a fine of thrice the value of the property stolen paid to the victim.


Theft of a horse - fine of a horse of equal value, 10 gold drokmire paid to the horse's owner and and six months in the city dungeon.


Theft of royal property - fine of five times the value of the stolen property paid to the king and ten years of indentured servitude to the crown.

Kidnapping, Assault and Murder


Kidnapping of a commoner - three months in the city dungeon.


Assault upon a slave - fine of 1 gold drokmire paid to the slave's owner.


Assault upon a commoner - fine of 5 gold drokmire paid to the victim.


Assault upon a noble - fine of 250 gold drokmire paid to the noble and 2 weeks in the city dungeon (or three months in the city dungeon if unable to pay the fine).


Murder of a slave - fine of 5 gold drokmire paid to the slave's owner.


Murder of a commoner - fine of 50 gold drokmire to the victim's family and six months in the city dungeon.


Murder of a noble - forfeit of all property to the noble's family and public execution.

Disobedience to the Crown


Disobeying or fleeing from the city guard - fine of 10 gold drokmire and 2 weeks in the city dungeon.


Lying to one of royal authority - fine of 25 gold pieces and one month in the city dungeon.


Disobeying a command of noble or royal authority - fine of 50 gold drokmire and one month in the city dungeon.


Treason - public execution

Slave Crimes


A slave that escapes - public flogging.


A slave that steals from his master - 50 lashes.


A slave that assaults his master - public flogging.


A slave that kills his master - public execution.

Other Crimes


Arson - Fine equal to value of damage or Indentured service to the owner of the property until the value of damages to the building is paid in full.


Damage to property - three times the value of the damaged item, paid to the owner of the property or indentured service to the owner until paid in full.


This website was last updated February 29, 2024. Copyright 1990-2024 David M. Roomes.

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